Shadow Door User's Manual

Copyright 2003 by Robert Zubek and Phillip Saltzman, Northwestern University


Under the Hood

Here come the nasty architectural bits. :)

Use of Shadow Door is a matter of three different parts playing together: an external process that sends commands and receives observations through a socket using the Shadow Door Protocol, a server extension that translates between the socket and the ongoing game, and a set of NWN scripts that execute commands and send back observations.

When you run NWNX2 with Shadow Door, it starts up a new game server, but also opens a socket on port 1890 and listens for incoming commands. The diagram is roughly as follows:

Process #1
External AI controller (Lisp, etc.)

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Shadow Door Protocol
over TCP on port 1890

Process #2
NWServer + NWNX 2.5 + Shadow Door

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BioWare's Propertiary Protocol

Process #3
Neverwinter Nights Graphical Client


Shadow Door Protocol

The AI sends the NPC commands through the socket interface, and the NPC sends back observations. They are both serialized 8-bit ASCII strings with one or more tokens separated by # signs, and terminated with a CR, for example: "speak!#waves#hi rob" or "attacked-by#rob". The more general syntax is:

" <command-or-observation>[#[<parameter>]]+<LF>"

with a grammar as follows:

command := head body terminator
head := token
body := parameter body | parameter
parameter := separator token | separator
separator := '#' (ASCII character #35, 0x23)
token := tokenchar+
tokenchar := any ASCII character except for CR (0x0D), LF (0x0A) or # (0x23)
terminator := LF  (ASCII character #10, 0x0A)

Omitted parameters are allowed; they are equivalent to an empty string. Currently supported commands are:

Currently supported observations are: